one week 'til WOMAN 99!

I am SO excited — the March 5 release date for WOMAN 99 is only one short week away.

I’ve been doing lots of fun guest posts, interviews and other fun things to prep for release, and starting on launch day, you’ll be seeing links to those with a vengeance.

So here’s a fun little tidbit to get started! A Q&A with the delightful Melissa Amster at Chick Lit Central — and it comes with a giveaway.

Learn who I’d cast for Charlotte & Phoebe, my secret 1970s inspiration for my 1880s novel, and much more.

Enjoy the Q&A by clicking here.

(The ChickLitCentral giveaway ends March 3. The Goodreads giveaway of 25 copies is still going until March 4. So enter anywhere and everywhere!)

25 copies of WOMAN 99 up for grabs on Goodreads!

First, I thought the most exciting thing that would happen today is that a giveaway for WOMAN 99 was posted on Goodreads. Fun stuff!

But then something else even cooler came down the pike.

Turns out the coolest thing that happened today is that more than ONE THOUSAND readers signed up for the WOMAN 99 giveaway. On the FIRST DAY.

(The grand total is actually about 1100 right now. And it’s not even midnight. I’m kind of tempted to stay up until midnight just to see what number we get to today. Because I’m a month from launch date and already kind of losing both my perspective and my mind.)

Anyway, see what number it’s up to now! And join in. The more, literally, the merrier.

Enter the giveaway here.

introducing the #womenshistoryreads mega-index!

Looking for a particular #womenshistoryreads interview? Or not sure if your favorite author has been interviewed for my #womenshistoryreads Q&Q&Q&A series? Search no more! Below is the full list of interviews alphabetized by last name. I’ll update the index as we go along so it includes 2019 and 2018 Q&Q&Q&As in one easy-to-find place.

(And yes, seeing this huge list of names in one place kind of blows me away too. Huge thanks to all the fabulous authors who’ve made it possible.)

Coming in March: much madness

As I said on Twitter, I can’t believe it’s already February because that means my book is coming out next month. And February is THE SHORT MONTH.

But there is so much goodness on the way for March! Of course I’m terribly excited that WOMAN 99 is coming out March 5 (in both the US and Canada) so that’s a big focus. If you’re excited too, you can:

  • mark WOMAN 99 as to-read on Goodreads

  • follow me on BookBub for announcements and deals

  • follow my #99daycountdown and other posts on Twitter and/or Instagram

  • pre-order WOMAN 99 from an independent bookstore, Barnes and Noble, BAM or Amazon (handy links here!)

  • recommend the hardcover, e-book and audiobook editions of WOMAN 99 for purchase at your library

  • check out my Events page to see if I’m coming to a bookshop, festival or library near you

The other big thing to get excited about in March: I’m picking up the #WomensHistoryReads banner again and will be featuring Q&As throughout the month. Will be kicking off the month with Amy Stewart (!) and I’ve got lots of other delightful names on the docket. These will run mostly on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

More — lots more! — to come!

WOMAN 99 recommended for your book club!

The wonderful Kate Quinn, author of the runaway bestseller The Alice Network and the upcoming The Huntress, put together a fabulous list of historical fiction recommendations for book clubs at BookBub. And of course I was thrilled to see WOMAN 99 on the list.

Great books like Kris Waldherr’s The Lost History of Dreams, which I’ve read and blurbed, are here, as well as some that are new to me and now I’m desperate to read. (Historical fiction except with Aphrodite? Sign me up!)

Check out the whole list on BookBub here.

(Also, if you’re not following me on BookBub, please do! I regularly share recommendations for my favorite reads, and it’s a great way to find new authors and books you’ll love.)

Instagram giveaways for WOMAN 99

Yay! As a celebration of hitting 1000 followers on Instagram, I got to give away an advance copy of WOMAN 99. That giveaway is now over, but as of this writing, there are two more Instagram giveaways going on that I know of. The more you enter, the more chances you have to win!

@Sourcebooks is giving away an advance copy of WOMAN 99 and a copy of GIRL IN DISGUISE to one lucky winner. Enter by 11:59pm Central on Thursday, January 17.

@thoughtsfromapage is giving away ARCs of three highly anticipated books: WOMAN 99, Wendy Walker’s THE NIGHT BEFORE, and Kaira Rouda’s THE FAVORITE DAUGHTER. This giveaway ends at 9:00pm Central on Saturday, January 19.

Stay tuned for non-Instagram giveaways as well…. I know there will be some soon.

Good luck and good reading!

wonderful review of WOMAN 99 from PW!

Ah, this makes me so happy. A great review from a major trade publication always makes my day, and this one for WOMAN 99 from Publishers Weekly totally made my week!

The bottom line: “Macallister sensitively and adroitly portrays mental illness in an era when it was just beginning to be understood, while weaving a riveting tale of loyalty, love, and sacrifice.“

I also particularly loved this part, which really sums up so much about the book: “Though Charlotte narrates, Macallister also gives voice to a motley crew of women who, at the mercy of male whims, hide multitudes.“

The whole thing is available right here. Yay!

review of the new Diane Setterfield up at CHIRB

Not sure if I ever officially announced it here on the blog, but this year, I was named Editor-at-Large, Historical Fiction and Lit on Screen at the Chicago Review of Books. And it has been a delight.

Among the things I get to do is nab advance copies of highly anticipated historical novels, and ONCE UPON A RIVER was definitely one I leapt at the chance to read.

What did I think of it?

Check it out at CHIRB.

My holiday gift guide at The Refresh

For all those still shopping (those OF US, I should say), I put together a list of book-related gifts I highly recommend — for the holidays or otherwise. If you know a book lover, you know someone who’d appreciate a gift from this list.

Check it out at The Refresh.

And it’s not just books I’m recommending — mostly books, but also mugs and socks and scarves that honor classic books, and even chocolate that tastes like Sherlock Holmes or A Christmas Carol! Who knew?

Let's get Historical for the Holidays!

Today, December 12th, we’re getting “Historical for the Holidays” over on Facebook!

Here’s the event page to join.

Starting at noon Eastern, authors will be taking turns hosting, which might mean chats, giveaways, Q&A, or just about anything else! (We historical fiction authors are a wild bunch.)

I’ll be on at 5:40 Eastern, giving away a signed copy of GIRL IN DISGUISE and teasing my upcoming release WOMAN 99. (Adding to that #99daycountdown every day…)

Hope to see you there!