Goodreads giveaway for ARCA galleys!

When I named one of the five queendoms in my new fantasy series Arca, I did not foresee that the second book in the series would be named after that queendom. Because I would probably have called it something different if I had thought about how awkward it is to say “Hey, do you want an ARCA ARC?”

(ARC stands for Advance Readers Copy, the copies they print ahead of time for reviewers and booksellers and buzz, and it’s always capitalized, and… sigh. At least we can also call them ARCA galleys, which sounds less goofy.)

Anyway! If you loved SCORPICA and want your own advance copy of ARCA, great news! You can enter to win on Goodreads here.

(Or here. Here works too.)

Good luck!