loving those WOMAN 99 reader reviews!

My goodness, the last 10 days have FLOWN. How is it possible that Woman 99 only came out last week? Last week! The warm reception has been so wonderful to see. Pictures of the book on Instagram, reader reviews all over the place, in-person discussion at events — I’m so glad to have readers’ support and enthusiasm, since that’s what it’s all about.

And those reader reviews have been pouring in! There are already 200 ratings and 130 reviews on Goodreads, not to mention 40 reviews on Amazon. (Yes, I read them all, even the negative ones — and I appreciate them all, even the negative ones! Though obviously I enjoy reading the positive ones a lot more.)

Book bloggers have been reading and reviewing on their own blogs too, and here are highlights from a few I really loved (click on the blog name for the full review!):

“Woman 99 is powerful, upsetting, and incredibly descriptive, showing us through Charlotte’s struggles the restricted roles available to women, the way certain women could be so easily discarded by society, and the shocking lack of value a woman was deemed to have if she dared step outside society’s norms.” — Bookshelf Fantasies

“WOMAN 99 is historical fiction, women’s fiction, mystery, and thriller all rolled into one.  If you enjoy those genres, some nasty characters, and strong female characters, you will want to read this book.” — Silver’s Reviews

“Beautifully crafted with rich historical detail, flawless and fleshed out characters as well as an engaging storyline, WOMAN 99 by Greer Macallister is an unforgettable treat to read and savor.” - Fresh Fiction

And now back to more WomensHistoryReads — we’ve got half of March still to go!