NY Journal of Books review of WOMAN 99 is in!

I love reading reviews of my books. Yes, it’s a lot more fun when the reviews are positive, but I also read the negative ones, and sometimes I even find something to like and appreciate about them. They can be very amusing. But do I enjoy positive ones more? Sure do!

So I really enjoyed this one from the New York Journal of Books. ““Macallister’s exploration of both the public and the personal takes this novel to a higher level.” (Need to add that to my Praise page!)

And it’s always gratifying when a reviewer picks up exactly what I’m putting down. This is exactly the kind of conclusion I hoped readers would draw from these pages, and so well-expressed: “As with the best historical novels, Woman 99 resonates with our current social upheavals. It illuminates how far we, as a society, have come and how far we have yet to go.

Read the full review here.